1000 Paper Cranes
Senbazuru, which translates to "1,000 cranes", is a longstanding Japanese tradition of folding one thousand origami paper cranes. The tradition says that if you fold one thousand cranes as an individual or a group, then you can make a wish and it might come true.
Faced with the overwhelming news cycle every day, it is easy to feel powerless and writing to politicians can often feel futile, however, it’s crucial to let our elected representatives know how we feel and what we want them to advocate for. Yet, often writing and pleading on your own can feel discouraging, posting on social media can feel unproductive and maybe taking part in protests is not an option for you.
So, I thought about what I would like to do to start 2025 to start a year of positive activism. Together with my fellow Bearwoodians, the help of Bearwood Hub, Bear Bookshop and the Urban Room, we want to fold 1,000 paper cranes in January and deliver them with our wishes for world peace to our MP Gurinder Singh Josan at one of his surgeries at this Smethwick constituency office in the New Year.