Ideas Forum


Always thought there’s something you could change to benefit people in Bearwood?

How do you go from idea to action? Always much easier when there’s people around you that want to help make it happen.  

If you’ve got an idea for Bearwood or you want to hear what others are thinking, come along to our ideas forum on 3rd June and find out who else wants to get ideas off the ground.

We have two slots - one at 11.15am and one at 3pm.  Register for a slot here  and we’ll be in touch.

Here’s who’s already booked to share their big idea:


Care & Community

Bearwood resident Jo Capper wants some help thinking through how we could better care for each other across the generations living in Bearwood.  As a mum of tweenies and teenagers, what more could we be doing as a community with and for our young people? And how do we better connect with and involve older people in our communities? It’s an open discussion, come and share your views, develop ideas or just be curious.

Soft play with a purpose

Bearwood mum, teacher and musician Kim Newman has exciting ambitions to set up a social enterprise - an inclusive soft play centre in Bearwood where parents from all walks of life and children of all abilities have space to connect and build a supportive community. The idea is in its infancy.  What do you think? Would you like to be involved? Come and discuss the potential with Kim.


Indoor skatepark & hangout

Local skateboarding pro Bob Sanderson developed his talent at the Lightwoods skate park.  He’s recently been seen helping kids from 5-15 in his Easter skate schools at Lightwoods. But what about when it rains? What potential is there for an indoor park to keep our kids safe, active, connected and developing their skills through the winter (and those wet summer days)...? Bob’s a passionate speaker, will you help him develop some ideas?