Coworking connections and collaborations

We often get asked ‘what’s this coworking thing?’ Sally explains a little bit more with some wonderful examples from today’s session.

As we wrote a while back, it’s definitely not just a desk, as lovely and important as our desks, refreshments and human company are! When we were designing this space as a community, one of the things on the wish list was the ability to connect, grow, support each other. And that’s what’s happening.

As I write on 3rd Feb, just reflecting on the connections and opportunities/potential opportunities that have happened today amongst only 8 people, has been a little bit mind boggling. And this is a daily occurrence at the hub (whether amongst coworkers or or other many visitors and participants).

The terrible graphic I’ve drawn here tries to illustrate some of the types of connections made, below I’ll list them. It’s just the surface stuff, but it encapsulates the reason we think community-based coworking is super important for a more inclusive and supportive local economy.

Today, there have been meetings about projects, introductions for potential partnerships, introductions that have resulted in direct advice today, or the potential for advice in the future, new paid work as a result of introductions, new potential coworkers, mutual support on existing projects and planning for one completely new project to benefit our visitors and community members. All from 8 people coming here today to work, or to meet.

So, L met N&L who were here for a meeting with Sally. They may collaborate over a poetry event now. L is doing some work for M, and were put in touch through the coworkings space. R gave A some advice which will in turn help our archive and podcast project, S and M are giving each other regular mutual support on how their organisations are running. We have been able to put Rc in touch with multiple organisations that could make use of her business’ services.

The most important function of a coworking space, aside from giving people accessible space to think, grow and just get on, is building connections between people in our community. That’s why we always try to find out what coworkers do, what they are interested in. So we can proactively connect people that are here. Today has been a good day for that.