Your ideas: what a community hub could achieve!

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Ideas flowed when about 45 people from across Bearwood came gave up two hours for the first #MakeItHappen meetings on 16th October to explore different ideas about why community space in the centre of our community is important. We started off designing a Tour of Bearwood to understand what people in the room value in terms of the assets we already have - people as well as places! Photos at the bottom of this post.

The big picture to your right is our attempt to bring all the different ideas together. If you want to see the detail it’s really easy, just click here to access our ‘virtual whiteboard’ and use it like an online map - you can move around the board and zoom in and out with your mouse or trackpad. All the photos of the work at tables is below as well. This can only ever note the written thoughts, which will never be as rich as the conversations that started and that we need to continue. But it’s a start - and there’s a lot there we’ll need to refine!

Got something to add? Comment on this blog post or email

Want to know more or be part of the next discussions and help develop the detail? Sign up to our mailing list.

Our next steps are to hold roundtable discussions with community experts*, about how best to support, involve and empower our elders, our teenage community members and the most vulnerable people who live in Bearwood. We will also be looking to broaden the discussion (reach many more people) as well as deepen the ideas and make sure we’re pinning down what this should all be about it. If you think you can help with any of this, then please get in touch with Sally at

*Community Experts = people with lived experience or people who are leading relevant organisations

Enjoy the photos of different tables’ ideas and discussions. Aspirations for what the hub could achieve first and then photos of the Tours of Bearwood:

Sally TaylorComment