We Are Moving

Bearwood Community Hub is moving

You might be a little surprised that we are very soon going to be starting a new phase,  working across various locations in our lovely community. St Mary’s is no longer available to us on the same terms as before so we have taken the difficult decision to relocate. We're hoping that by working across Bearwood we will reach even more people, offer greater access and play a small part in supporting a thriving high street on Bearwood Road. 

The image is a beige and green graphic, with a loud hailer in the bottom right corner and a smiling bear face in the left hand corner. With the words ‘We Are Moving! To multiple sites along Bearwood Road. Please join us as we continue all our activities and support services in new and welcoming places. From Monday 7 November 2022. More info at: www.bearwood.cc

We are very sad to be leaving St Mary's Church but as part of the Church's revitalisation project, there are new space limitations, and financial and partnership conditions that we cannot meet.  We are committed to sustaining the incredible work that you have helped us to create and so we will,  for the moment, be working across a number of different locations. 

We hope you will like the look of our new timetable when we release it next week. All our activities and groups remain at the same time,  just in different spaces.  We hope that you will come to visit us, continue to support or seek support, and most of all to participate in building our community - albeit in different actual buildings along Bearwood Road and on Abbey Road. 

These changes will come into effect on 31 October. During that week we will move and set up our new homes. We would love your help that week if you have a van, car, paint brush, drill, strong arms or excellent tea making abilities! 

We will open again across most of our sites on 7 November. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank St Mary’s Bearwood for our year in their great building.

And thank you to our new partners for the next stage of our journey, they have been so generous in their conversations, their welcome and their respect for our work. 

We can’t wait to see you in our new homes!